Quarter Chart - Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how Quarter Chart, provided by Smart Engine Systems ("the Company"), collects and uses the email addresses of its users.

1. Information Collected

We collect only the email addresses provided by users during the registration process.

2. Use of Information

The email addresses collected are used solely for communication purposes related to the app. We do not share this information with third parties.

3. User Consent

By providing their email address, users consent to the collection and use of their information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

4. Security

We take reasonable measures to protect the security of user email addresses and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.

5. Data Retention

We retain user email addresses for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as required by law.

6. Policy Changes

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated to users through email.

7. Subscription Services

If users subscribe to additional services, we collect necessary information to provide and bill for those services.

8. Billing Information

We do not store credit card information. Payment transactions are processed through a secure third-party payment processor. Users are encouraged to review the payment processor's privacy policy and terms.

9. Contact Information